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MandelaU Teaching and Learning Committee

The Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC) is responsible for promoting and upholding teaching and learning at the Nelson Mandela University. The Committee:

  • Develops institutional policies related to teaching, learning and assessment and monitors their implementation;
  • Develops strategies to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the institution;
  • Initiates discussions on best practice examples and innovations in teaching and learning across the university;
  • Advises Senate on trends and developments in teaching, learning, technology-enhanced learning, assessment, holistic student development, co-curricular learning activities, learning spaces, learning communities, etc. and recommends best practices that should be followed;
  • Facilitates the development of teaching and learning as a scholarly activity in the institution;
  • Develops and implements incentives for rewarding good practices and innovations in teaching and learning and holistic student development;
  • Monitors the range and efficacy of activities and opportunities for staff to further the development of their teaching and learning expertise;
  • Develops a framework to guide the provision of effective student development and support and monitors its implementation; and,
  • Considers and evaluates general teaching and learning matters of the university.

Chairperson: Prof. Denise Zinn (DVC: T&L)


Faculty Teaching and Learning Committees

Each faculty has a teaching and learning committee (FTLC) that is appointed to discuss faculty-specific matters related to teaching and learning.


Faculty of Arts: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Dr Jacqui Lück


Faculty of Education: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Nokhanyo Mayaba


Faculty of Engineering, the Built Evironment and Information Technology: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Johan van Niekerk


Faculty of Science: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Dr Derek du Preez


Faculty of Health Sciences: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Nanette Smith


Faculty of Law: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Dr Lynn Biggs


Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences: Teaching and Learning Committee

Chairperson: Dr Paul Tai-Hing