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Download the latest DVC-LT Newsletter 2023


Dynamics of Humanisation Symposium hosted by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Learning and Teaching, Dr Muki Moeng at Nelson Mandela University

Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University shared their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.

Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University shared their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.

Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University shared their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.

Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University share their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.
Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University shared their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.

Staff and Students at Nelson Mandela University shared their views and experiences of a Humanising Pedagogy through the exploration of a number of themes.

2019 second-year Architecture students recently unveiled their portable, multi-functional, beautifully designed crèche, constructed from mainly recycled and foraged materials, in an informal settlement of Airport Valley in Walmer Township.

The University’s first Learning and Teaching Review is now available, offering a full overview of the innovation, success stories and ethos of Learning and Teaching at Nelson Mandela University. 

The Learning and Teaching portfolio at Nelson Mandela University is hosting the Knowledge and Pedagogy Symposium and Exhibition on 19 and 20 September 2019.

We speak to Gino Fransman, a PhD researcher in the global open educator researchers’ graduate network, and the project leader for the Open Education Influencers project at Mandela Uni.

The Teaching Development and Innovation Fund (TDIF) provides funding to academics who wish to pursue innovative projects with an aim of enhancing and contributing to learning and teaching success at Mandela Uni.

SASUF Symposium

The South Africa-Sweden University Forum (SASUF) is a collaboration between 36 universities in Sweden and South Africa, including embassies, ministries, civil society organisations and funding agencies from both countries.

We spoke to Prof Lungile Pepeta, Executive Dean of MandelaUni’s Faculty of Health Science about his vision for the faculty and some of the exciting multidisciplinary projects that the faculty is embarking on.
Mobile Law Clinic
The Faculty of Law’s Pilot Mobile Law Clinic Project took place on 16 April 2019 at the Xaba Hall in Langa, Uitenhage.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, Prof Denise Zinn shares snippets of the curriculum renewal activities, and the development of curriculum statements at Nelson Mandela University.
Dr Gaathier Mahed of the Faculty of Science shares some perspectives on his approaches to Teaching and Learning.
International students at Mandela Uni for 2019 begin their journeys in discovering the Mandela University experience.
The Department of Applied Language Studies (DALS) welcomes the students of 2019.

The Humanising Pedagogy Praxis and Research Niche (HPPRN) project of the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning, Prof Denise Zinn, launched the Humanising Pedagogy Portal and poster.

The Department of Applied Language Studies (DALS) is conducting an in-house seminar series focussing on language and related sub-fields.

We profile Nelson Mandela University's 2017 Excellent Teacher of the Year, Jean-Pierre Basson.
DVC: T&L, Prof D. Zinn speaks about teaching and learning at Nelson Mandela University.
Shelley Saunders speaks to us about her teaching and learning experiences.
We are repositioning teaching and learning at Nelson Mandela University with a focus on transformation, decolonisation, Africanisation, curriculum renewal, humanising pedagogies, technology-enhanced learning, multilingualism, and addressing issues of social consciousness and sustainable futures.
On 5 February 2018, Nelson Mandela University welcomed 26 000 students across 7 campuses in Port Elizabeth and George. This quarter is marked by many ‘firsts’ for Nelson Mandela University, as the first set of lectures commenced with 6000 first-year students, the first cohort to register under this new name.

The Office of the DVC: Teaching and Learning hosted a retreat and workshop in June and September 2017 focussing on the renewal of a curriculum framework for the university.

Faculty of Education: SAERA Conference (2017) videos
Dr Kathija Yassim of the Faculty of Education hosted an exhibition of her students' work entitled: 'Our Ways of Knowing", exploring sources of indigenous knowledge.
Ms Koshala Terblanche, a systems engineer from the Blended Learning team, sheds light on their role of supporting teaching and learning at Nelson Mandela University.

Ms Bianca Currie, a lecturer in Natural Resource Management at the Nelson Mandela University George Campus speaks about the ‘School of Natural Resource Management (SNRM) teaching and learning long-term monitoring and evaluation project’, which is managed by her  in collaboration with the SNRM programme co-coordinators.

Known for his novel approach to teaching and learning, Dr Paul Tai-Hing, a lecturer at the 2nd Avenue Campus’ Business School in the School of Management Sciences shares how his life experiences informs his teaching and learning approaches.
Lecturer in the Department of Music, Mr Gareth Williams runs the Sound of Learning Music Project: SOUL that takes music beyond the university to students at primary schools in Port Elizabeth.
Dr Lynn Biggs, a lecturer in Mercantile Law, along with Mr Gary Richards, and in partnership with Ms Dierdre Els from ICT Services have been managing an innovative project in the Faculty of Law named RADAR.
The Faculty of Arts Teaching and Learning Committee hosted a T&L retreat in August 2017 to reflect on the #FeesMustFall movement and activity of 2016 - to co-construct a way forward for the faculty.
Eco-Car Project
The Eco-Car Project led by Mr Clive Hands of the Mechanical Engineering Department in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBEIT) is a student-driven project aimed at designing, manufacturing, and testing an ultra-light vehicle.
Lecturer in Computing Sciences, Dr Brenda Scholtz manages a teaching and learning project entitled: ‘Blended Learning Environment for Enterprise Systems Education at Nelson Mandela University’ that aims to provide a digital, blended learning environment for students who are studying modules in the field of Enterprise Systems.
‘Digital spaces using ICT-enabling learning’ is a teaching and research project managed by Prof Andre du Plessis of the Faculty of Education, that seeks to explore the aspirations of eight rural South African secondary school youths via the usage of ICT in context.
Student feedback is an essential part of the learning experience. In an education module, Dr Kathija Yassim from the Faculty of Education lets students explore richer learning experiences with reflection on feedback via Hip-Hop dance.
Professor Curtis Marean is an Honorary Professor in the African Centre for Coastal Palaeoscience at Nelson Mandela University.

First-year PhD science student, Nehemiah Latolla frequently participates in teaching and learning events hosted by the Office of the DVC: Teaching and Learning. He is always eager to share his views on decolonisation and Africanisation of the sciences.

Contact information
Mrs Nadia Mukadam
Research Assistant and Administrator
Tel: 0415043266